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Flag state in a sentence

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Sentence count:18Posted:2018-08-23Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: flagstaffflagstoneflagshipflagellateconflagratepumping stationfilling stationpolling station
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1) Later, with a fixed star represents the flag state.
2) Has the flag state been reported?
3) Commonly referred to as the Flag Administration or Flag State, this is the government that registers the yacht.
4) Ship's statutory certification is the responsibility of the flag state administration.
5) The SOLAS Convention is first implemented by the flag State control, then by the port State control, in order to achieve "safer shipping, cleaner oceans".
6) SOLAS is adopted by the majority of Administrations (flag state) as the requirement for the safe operation of vessels.
7) PSCO: The stability booklet hasn't been approved by flag State government or classification society.
8) The flag State shall have a competent and adequate national maritime administration, which shall be subject to its jurisdiction and control.
9) The draft resolution permits cargo inspections on the high seas if the flag state of the vessel extends approval.
10) Plan approval in accordance with statutory requirements of the government of the flag State,[ state.html] when authorised.
11) PSCO: Please show me the Document of Compliance issued by flag State government.
12) The French appealed to the PCIJ arguing that Turkey had violated international law, because, France said, only the flag state has jurisdiction over criminal incidents on the high seas.
13) PSCO: Has the third officer applied for the endorsement to the flag State government?
14) Warships and other State vessels enjoy State immunity and are subject to flag State jurisdiction.
15) The report must be accompanied by any reply received within the prescribed deadline from the competent authority of the flag State.
16) This paper summarizes the delegation of statutory certification responsibilities of flag state on global scale.
17) The quantity and arrangement of the fire-fighting equipments shall meet the rules and the requirements of SOLAS and the flag state authority.
18) PSCO: Has the Garbage Management Plan been approved by flag State government of classification society?
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